Thursday, August 16, 2012

Where are you? Chart

I created this chart and put it by the door of my classroom. When the students come in in the morning, they move their clip from "Absent" to "With Ms. Y".  I keep my hall passes close by and when my students leave the room, they are responsible for moving their clip to the respective spot.  I printed the sections out on cardstock and I reinforced the "Absent" and "With Ms. Y" with some light cardboard from a box since most clips will be on either of these days. The other ones such as "nurse" and "restroom" I just reinforced with another piece of cardstock. I laminated them and used a hot glue to attach it to the pink craft ribbon.

I am all about making class jobs for the most basic of tasks so I made a class job be the "Clip Mover". This person's responsibility will be to move the clips back to "Absent" so we can start the next school day there.

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